Manual Demos - Milestone 1

Milestone 1 deliverables are tagged as milestone1tag

Deliverable 1

The project can be built with provided instructions with dotnet command line tool.

Run commands below for setup testing environment(line 1) and API tests(line 2)

$ ./
$ ./

Now you are connected to a running docker container with API built. You can execute following commands to examine deliverables.

Connection to a public node (one of seed nodes per can be established through RESTful interface with API connect command.

In instructions above that point already reached, but you can repeat it by commands

$ docker-compose run cosmos-api-test dotnet test --filter ClientTests -l "console;verbosity=detailed"

Connection to a public node can be closed with API disconnect command

Disconnect method provided by native dotnet infrastructure through IDisposable interface

    using var client = CreateClient();

Node’s TLS certificate is verified during connection process

Certificate validation happens in package Flurl.Http for .NET

Basic data can be read from the node, deserialized to appropriate C# Object and returned from API, which includes following GET endpoints:


Command to run test

$ docker-compose run cosmos-api-test dotnet test --filter GaiaRestTest -l "console;verbosity=detailed"

This command executes test AsyncGetNodeInfoCompletes() in GaiaRestTest.cs file. Here is the code fragment from the API implementation of client.GaiaRest.GetNodeInfoAsync() that demonstrates that API makes request to /node_info endpoint:

var client = _clientGetter();
return client.Request("node_info")
    .GetJsonAsync<NodeStatus>(cancellationToken: cancellationToken);


This endpoint does not exist in Cosmos API so it was not implemented. Most likely, all version information is returned by Node Info method.

Endpoints /syncing, /blocks/latest, /blocks/{height}, /validatorsets/latest, /validatorsets/{height}

That group of endpoints is located in TendermintRpcTest test group

Command to run tests:

$ docker-compose run cosmos-api-test dotnet test --filter TendermintRpcTest -l "console;verbosity=detailed"


Command to run test

$ docker-compose run cosmos-api-test dotnet test --filter GaiaRestTest -l "console;verbosity=detailed"




Command to run test

$ docker-compose run cosmos-api-test dotnet test --filter AuthTests -l "console;verbosity=detailed"

Command line is provided to execute all milestone deliverables

Command to run test

$ docker-compose run cosmos-api-test dotnet test -l "console;verbosity=detailed"

Building instructions, initialization, and library usage documented

Documentation provided in the project root

Deliverable 2

Balances can be read using /bank/balances/{address} endpoint

Command to run test

$ docker-compose run cosmos-api-test dotnet test --filter BankTests -l "console;verbosity=detailed"

Transaction can be created and signed offline without connecting to a node with either signing algorithm: Secp256r1 (Reference:, Sr25519

Command to run test

$ docker-compose run cosmos-api-test dotnet test --filter ClientTests -l "console;verbosity=detailed"

This code fragment demonstrates transaction signing

           var account = await Auth.GetAuthAccountByAddressAsync(fromAddress, cancellationToken);

           var msg = new MsgSend()
                FromAddress = fromAddress,
                ToAddress = toAddress,
                Amount = coins,
            var signMsg = new StdSignDoc()
                Fee = fee,
                Memo = memo,
                Messages = new List<TypeValue<IMsg>>
                    new TypeValue<IMsg>(msg), 
                Sequence = account.Result.Value.GetSequence(),
                AccountNumber = account.Result.Value.GetAccountNumber(),
                ChainId = chainId
            var bytesToSign = GetSignBytes(signMsg);
            var key = KeysParser.Parse(privateKey, passphrase);
            var signedBytes = Sign(bytesToSign, key);
            var tx = new StdTx()
                Msg = new List<TypeValue<IMsg>>() { new TypeValue<IMsg>(msg) },
                Memo = memo,
                Fee = fee,
                Signatures = new List<StdSignature>()
                    new StdSignature()
                        Signature = signedBytes,
                        PubKey = account.Result.Value.GetPublicKey()

Transaction is published on chain using POST /txs endpoint

Command to run test

$ docker-compose run cosmos-api-test dotnet test --filter ClientTests -l "console;verbosity=detailed"

In code

Transactions.PostBroadcastAsync(new BroadcastTxBody(tx, mode), cancellationToken);

Command line is provided to execute all milestone deliverables

Command without filter

$ docker-compose run cosmos-api-test dotnet test -l "console;verbosity=detailed"

Usage example is provided

All examples are provided in the README also any unit test can provide an additional example.