Manual Demos - Milestone 2

Milestone 2 deliverables are tagged as milestone2tag

Deliverable 3

In order to get started, cleanup the previous Cosmos Dotnet API docker images if you have any. The univeral command set for this is:

docker stop $(docker ps -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
docker system prune -a -f

...then run commands below to setup testing environment (line 1) and API tests (line 2):

$ ./
$ ./

Now you are connected to a running docker container with API built. You can execute following commands to examine deliverables.

Transaction is generated using application RESTful endpoint

Follow test can demonstrates RESTful generated transaction. Generated transaction will be printed in console.

Command to run test

$ docker-compose run cosmos-api-test dotnet test --filter NameserviceTests -l "console;verbosity=detailed"

Transaction is signed offline

Transaction is published on chain

For custom transaction test previous test also be useful

$ docker-compose run cosmos-api-test dotnet test --filter NameserviceTests -l "console;verbosity=detailed"

Command line is provided to execute all milestone deliverables

You can execute following commands to examine all milestone deliverables.

$ docker-compose run cosmos-api-test dotnet test -l "console;verbosity=detailed"

Usage example is provided (using Nameserver application from Cosmos SDK tutorial)

All examples are provided in the Documentation, which is also hosted on ReadTheDocs, also any unit test can provide an additional example.

Deliverable 4

Following endpoints are supported. Responses are deserialized to appropriate C# Object and returned from API, POST endpoints are used here as a reference and are not invoked, instead corresponding transactions are generated, signed, and published on-chain:
















That group of endpoints is located in StakingTests test group

Command to run test

$ docker-compose run cosmos-api-test dotnet test --filter StakingTests -l "console;verbosity=detailed"

Command line is provided to execute all milestone deliverables

Command without filter

$ docker-compose run cosmos-api-test dotnet test --filter StakingTests -l "console;verbosity=detailed"

Usage example is provided

All examples are provided in the Documentation, which is also hosted on ReadTheDocs, also any unit test can provide an additional example.

Deliverable 5

Following endpoints are supported. Responses are deserialized to appropriate C# Object and returned from API, POST endpoints are used here as a reference and are not invoked, instead corresponding transactions are generated, signed, and published on-chain:

GET /gov/proposals

POST /gov/proposals



GET /gov/proposals/{proposalId}/deposits

POST /gov/proposals/{proposalId}/deposits


GET /gov/proposals/{proposalId}/votes

POST /gov/proposals/{proposalId}/votes






That group of endpoints is located in StakingTests test group

Command to run test

$ docker-compose run cosmos-api-test dotnet test --filter GovernanceTests -l "console;verbosity=detailed"

Command line is provided to execute all milestone deliverables

Command without filter

$ docker-compose run cosmos-api-test dotnet test --filter GovernanceTests -l "console;verbosity=detailed"

Usage examples are provided

All examples are provided in the Documentation, which is also hosted on ReadTheDocs, also any unit test can provide an additional example.